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Sports Massage

A specialized form of therapeutic massage tailored to the needs of athletes and individuals engaged in physical activities.


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Sports massage is a specialized form of therapeutic massage tailored to the needs of athletes and individuals engaged in physical activities. It is designed to help athletes prepare for, perform at their best during, and recover from sports events and workouts. Sports massage focuses on specific muscle groups and areas of the body that are often subjected to overuse, stress, or injury due to athletic training and performance.

What are the Key features of sports massage?

  • Pre-Event Massage: This type of sports massage is administered shortly before a sporting event, typically within hours or even minutes before the athlete competes. It is designed to stimulate the muscles, increase blood flow, and enhance flexibility to optimize your performance.
  • Inter-Event or Maintenance Massage: Given between events or training sessions, this form of massage helps you maintain muscle health, manage muscle soreness, and prevent injuries.
  • Post-Event Massage: Administered after a sports event or intense training, post-event massage helps you recover by reducing muscle soreness, promoting muscle relaxation, and improving circulation. It aids in the removal of waste products like lactic acid that can accumulate during physical exertion.
  • Injury Rehabilitation: Sports massage can be a part of an athlete's injury rehabilitation program. It focuses on specific areas of injury or chronic pain, using various techniques to promote healing and recovery.

The pressure applied in sports massage can vary, ranging from deep tissue techniques to lighter strokes, depending on your specific needs and comfort level.

Hands of Brama massage therapists are typically trained to work with athletes and understand the demands of different sports, allowing them to tailor their techniques to the requirements of the individual or the sport in question.

Benefits of Sports Massage

  • Performance Optimization: This type of massage can be an essential component of your training and recovery routine, helping to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

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